Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Life as a Winkler Begins

When we were little, we had these fairy tale dreams. Dreams of a prince on a white horse. A white horse that would carry us away into the sunset. Every girl had them. Then we grew up and sort of lost that dream. We told ourselves it wasn't real, that he didn't exist. ...Then I met Stuart. And I became a little girl again. He was my prince, and I his princess. His white horse came in the form of a black F250, his sword was a pocket knife, and his boots were old and were starting to get holes in the soles from how hard he worked everyday. But I knew he was my prince.

We serve a wonderful God. A God that does all things in His timing. And I thank Him everyday for giving me such a wonderful Christian leader for a husband. Stuart was a gracious gift the Lord bestowed upon me. Undeserving me, I have such a wonderful and sweet husband. Thank you Lord for giving me Stuart.

On that note...they say when you marry, you marry the family. I have a loving family-in-law. Not only are they loving, but they are very giving. So giving, that my sister-in-law gave us a cute puppy for Christmas. He was so cute, and so little, and so loving that we fell in love. We still love him, and he is still cute, but he is not still little.

Meet Jenkins.
And so, life as a Winkler begins.